Plastic surgery is an elective medical specialty involving the repair, restoration, or modification of the body. It is also known as plasticity surgery. It is the second most common type of surgery after a general surgery. Plastic surgery can include breast augmentation, a tummy tuck, a face-lift, a rhinoplasty, thigh enhancement, or liposuction.

It is estimated that millions of Americans undergo plastic surgery each year, resulting in improved appearance and self-confidence. Plastic surgeons perform approximately 25 percent of all surgeries. Some individuals are born with congenital anomalies that result in obvious differences to their physical appearance; these people may choose to go to a surgeon to enhance or correct those differences. A surgeon can even modify the appearance of patients with severe burns, keloids, stretch marks, or other skin malformations. Whatever the reason for the surgery, plastic surgeons are found in every major city in the United States.

One of the most common surgeries performed by Gainesville GA facial plastic surgeon  is the face-lift. During a face-lift, the surgeon tightens the upper layer of skin to achieve a younger and more youthful appearance. There are many reasons why a face-lift might be performed, including the loss of elasticity resulting from a skin graft or other trauma, receding chin, drooping eyelids, excess fat around the eyes, folds in the skin, excessive skin loss, spider veins, or wrinkles. Typically, a patient will have minimal to no residual scarring following a face-lift.

Liposuction is another commonly performed procedure and is often compared to a facelift, but is performed in a different way. During liposuction, a plastic surgeon uses a suction tube to suction away pockets of excess fat and/or tissue. Since there is not as much tissue removal involved as with a facelift, there is typically no resulting scar. The most noticeable scar is the area where the tube touch the skin, which may look unnaturally smooth and elevated. Liposuction does require that certain areas of the body will be affected, such as the abdomen, thighs, arms, hips, and back, but those areas rarely have lasting scarring.

Aesthetic Georgia facial fillers Surgery can also be used to correct an unsightly blemish on the face or other unsightly area. The purpose of this surgery is not always to improve the aesthetic appearance of a patient, but rather to provide patients with a healthier appearance. Skin conditions such as rosacea and acne can cause patients to be born with imperfections that they would rather not have. Cosmetic plastic surgery can often help alleviate these conditions, allowing patients to enjoy a healthier complexion.

There are many more cosmetic procedures available to patients in the United States and throughout the world. The processes differ depending on the overall goal of the procedure. Some are purely aesthetic, helping to reshape and rejuvenate a patient's appearance; others are therapeutic, repairing damage caused by various conditions or illnesses. Cosmetic plastic surgery procedures can even be performed on children and babies to improve their appearance or reduce signs of aging. If you want to know more about this topic, then click here: